International Bank Transfer (IBAN)

We can accept overseas bank transfers, which can take up to 5 working days, excluding UK Bank Holidays, to be applied to our bank account.

For details needed to make a payment to Copart, please view our bank details.

Important: You must ensure you use either the generated reference number, member number or lot number as the beneficiary reference for the payment. Only use the bank details provided in the link below when making a payment. Payments sent to any other bank details will not reach us.

Category B Vehicle Payments

Copart UK Limited and Copart Vehicle Auctions Ireland Limited do not accept the following methods of payment for Category B vehicles or any charges associated with a Category B vehicle:

  • Cash paid into a Copart bank account over the counter; or
  • Single non-reloadable pre-paid debit cards and re-loadable debit cards which are anonymous in nature.
  • Any cash paid into a Copart bank account over the counter,  will not be allocated towards a Category B vehicle or any charges associated with a Category B vehicle.  Any such payments received by Copart will be returned. Where applicable, storage and late payment charges will continue to accrue on Category B vehicles until such time as full payment is received by Copart via one or any combination of the accepted payment methods.

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